2nd UPC prize at 3 Headed Monkey Awards

Yesterday it was the prize-giving for the 3 Headed Monkey Awards Contest in Caixa Fòrum. The event was headed by two prominent figures of the national digital market: Horacio from Social Point and Niko, creator of the well known and charismatic Cálico Electrónico.

The awards started with the interpretation of a very suitable composition for the name of the awards:

Then the two stated talks continued: Horacio explained how they started it all and a brief showcase of their projects and after that Niko presented Cálico Electrónico return to the Internets with its 4th season


And finally arrived what everyone was expecting: the prize-giving. There were three initial (soon you will discover why initial it’s used) categories: Audience’s prize (given to the game with more votes), UPC prize and best overall prize.

The Audience’s prize was for BeautiFun Games and theirs Nihilumbra obtaining the 20% of all the votes.


The UPC prize was closely disputed by Betty the Bee and Moebii but finally fell into Betty the Bee.

TrTrtrtrtrtrtrtr (it kinds of tries to be a drum roll) the Best overall prize was for the amazing job done by Hugging cactus team and entitled Forgotten Kodama

There was a special prize for the Expert gamer given to the person able to recognize the game and the scenes from the music that was played at the end of the event. If you want to see the level of the prize you can give it a try:

To sum up the awards, we find that the awards have been fairly deserved as we had stated when we first saw all the projects that the three winners should be: Betty the Bee, Nihilumbra on Audience’s and UPC prize and Forgotten Kodama for best game prize. We are very proud with our position as we weren’t expecting anything from a game done in just one week of hard work once having seen all the presented projects and the vast amount of work and love that is evidential on them. We also are amazed and happy for the good quality of projects and we hope watching more and more national teams doing even more gorgeous games. The prize-giving was very interesting and entertaining and we would like to finish thanking everyone that has made possible the competition and see you next year!

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