Dundee arrival

After 8 hours we’ve made up to Dundee. We have had to plan Dundee arrival in 2 stops: first one from Barcelona to Glasgow by plane and then what was left, by train to reach Dundee. To sum up the trip: it was hillarious watching our team name on boarding panel in the airport:

The first thing that blows you up is how greenish Scotland is. We’ve reached Glasgow Center at 18 and as our train was scheduled for 19:30 we’ve decided to lunch in a near pub where they had delicious hamburgers!


Finally at 21 we were at Dundee ready to roll. It looked like a ghost town at first glance as it wasn’t anyone in the street and this contrasts a lot with Barcelona but Dundee seems a gorgeous city willing to be discovered! Way to Security office to get our room’s keys we discovered a lot of beautiful old-style buildings:

We lost ourselves a bit but we were lucky to find some nice members of Raptor Games who helped us to get everything and showed how to reach Victoria Chambers. There we unpacked everything and made ourselves at home.


PS: you will find all the other photos here

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