
What is Gow about?

In Gow you’ll have to exterminate all the Gow creatures. Each of these creatures has a very unique peculiarity: ones pop when you press them, others are very sticky,… even there are angry, grumpy, hipped Gows that kill others when they touch them!

Your goal is to beat all the levels by finishing with all the Gows of that level. You can replay each level in order to beat your (and also other players) best mark.

Do you want to give it a try?

If you are one of those who prefer practice to theory we’ve uploaded a playable beta version here. Note you’ll need to install the Unity WebPlayer plugin in order to play it. And remember this is a beta version and some levels aren’t well-designed enough. It’s just a prototype to show Gow’s potential.

Gow inception

Gow was prototyped during the  11th Global Game Jam, the game has been inspired by World of Goo but with reversed mechanics: instead of building a structure you have to destroy it as the main topic of this year’s GGJ was ‘extinction‘.


Gow in media

Indie Games
Indie Vault

2 thoughts on “Gow

  1. Pingback: indiePub publishing Gow | team·iso – blog

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