IsoClinous in Madrid

IsoClinous won 2nd prize in Wiideojuegos contest. We decided to go to Madrid to the prize delivery. It was on Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and they celebrated UPM first Videogame’s Day with this schedule:

10:00 – 11:00
Wiideojuegos 2010 competition awards.

11:00 – 12:30
Discussion: Does it has a future the game development in Spain? with

  • Roberto Álvarez de Lara (Over the Top Games)
  • Daniel González (Flas Entertainment)
  • Eduardo de la Iglesia (Future World Games)
  • Javier San Juan (freelance coder)
  • Javier Alcalá (moderator)

13:00 – 14:00
Awarded games demonstration.

The awards were exciting and we enjoyed a lot the activites despite being very tired due to the train trip. It was a pitty not being possible to have any of the speakers during our game’s demonstration but the other contestants played it and had fun.

After the awards we went to another Game Development Event done by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, more precisely by GUEIM and the responsibles of the UCM master in game development. We assisted to a workshop called ‘How to do a game in 60 minutes (with Unity3D)’. There we discovered the power of Unity. We were really amazed of the facilities and the end product you could easily get with it.

Next day we went again to the UCM event to continue with the next talks:

  • How to start with your videogame company (Totemcat and Minimal Drama)
  • Artificial Intelligence without coding: offline techniques for NPCs beahviour knowledge
  • In-game Advertisement
  • Pro-Gaming: game as a profession
  • Games’ ‘Pirate‘ history
  • Interactive narration in videogames

And finally we ended with a workshop about computer graphics with CUDA. Before coming back to Barcelona we made a fast visit arround Madrid.