VGAFIB is the acronym for the Video Games Association of the Facultat d’Informàtica de Barcelona. If we have to highlight and thank something from our years in the university it would the people we’ve met. And in VGAFIB we found the most awesome people. We entered the association 4 years ago (when we started our degrees) because we wanted to make games and this seemed the perfect place to learn and practice.

Since then a lot of things have happened, but to point out the most important ones, we want to remark the yearly and expected tournments during FestaFIB; Barcelona Game Jam, an event where you have to make a game in 48hours, and also the introductory courses in game programming using Unity that we taught.


But an association is not just about which activities you offer to the public, it’s also about what it’s done during each day by its members: parties, afternoons playing all kind of games: video games and a lot of board games, watching the E3 conferences, discussions about the new games trying to understand each one of its intrinsics…

So if you want to learn a lot about game development or just want to meet people with the same interests as you, come to VGAFIB’s headquarter in Omega building, door 104 and you won’t regret it!